What Is the Legal Limit for Car Tint

Vehicles with post-factory window tint applications must be inspected during a safety inspection in North Carolina for an additional $10 fee to ensure they meet the specifications set by the state in GS 20-127. Florida has several other important laws, rules, and regulations regarding window tinting. These include: We`ve compiled all the information you need to know to make sure your cold tinted windows are legal. If you want to tint your car windows (or even tint them yourself), you should check your state`s window tint laws. As with many regulations, window tint laws vary from state to state and can be nuanced and difficult to understand. It may not be a problem if your car has never left the state and will never leave, but it can get complicated for those who travel a lot, buy vehicles out of state, or travel around the country. If it`s you, you`ve come to the right place. VLT%: Visible light transmission is the measure used to evaluate automotive window tints. This is the percentage of visible light passing through the film (Film-VLT%) or window plus the film mesh VLT.

The lower the VLT, the darker the shade. Front tint level: This is the amount of tint (VLT%) you allow on your driver and passenger windows. This is often a higher value than for the rear, which allows the driver of the vehicle to be seen from the outside. Rear window tint: This is the amount of tint (VLT%) you allow on your rear side windows. This value is sometimes different for passenger cars and multi-purpose vehicles (MPVs). Rear window tint: This is the amount of tint (VLT%) you allow on your rear window. This value is usually the same as for rear side windows, but some conditions are more restrictive. Windshield: Your windshield cannot be tinted in any condition, but some states allow you to put a sticker on top of the windshield, usually in the area of the manufacturer`s sun visor. Color: The state`s hue laws vary from no restrictions to restrictions on the use of certain colors or reflective/reflective surfaces. Line AS-1: This is the line that extends from the letters AS-1, which are found on most motor vehicle windshields and are parallel to the top of the windshield. 5% is the darkest percentage of window hue you find generally available. There are manufacturers who make films as dark as 2%.

The automotive window tinting industry has exploded in recent years, and for good reason. Right next to fantastic vinyl sheets, stylish wheels and an audio system that shakes the world, tinted windows are indeed one of the most popular upgrades for your vehicle. Whether for medical reasons, to provide comfort from the scorching sun, or simply cosmetic, it is important to ensure that the tint of your windows is legal according to the guidelines of your state. The laws governing tinted glass vary from state to state, window to window. This map shows the permitted degree of window tint in all 50 states. It is illegal to sell, offer for sale or install glass that does not comply with this law. It is illegal to drive a vehicle with a window that does not comply with this law. These are the terms you need to know to interpret the different laws and boundaries of the state. Effective December 20, 2017, NYS Health Department regulations were updated to establish additional medical conditions that may qualify for an exemption from light transmittance limits. If you have any of the following medical conditions that require tinted vehicle glass, you can apply for an exemption from the law using the Tinted Window Exemption Application (MV-80W). Below you will find a brief overview of the different laws and regulations to tint car windows by federal states.

If you don`t understand what visible light transmission (VLT) percentages mean, it can come down to this. The % VLT tells you the percentage of light allowed through the window film. The lower the percentage, the darker the shade. The higher the percentage, the brighter the hue. The darkest legal shade varies by state. Each state has its own laws that dictate the darkest shade allowed on side windows, rear windows, and windshields. One important thing to keep in mind is that most vehicles have a light transmission lock directly from the factory, measuring between 70 and 80%. This must be taken into account when adding a custom shade in order to stay within the legal limits. Law enforcement agencies use tint meters that measure the amount of light passing through the glass. The amount of light is measured in % known as VLT (Visible Light Transmission). The tint of windows can reflect incident light and reduce glare and heat.

Florida`s window tint law allows for some window reflection when using a hue, so pay attention to that as well. From 1 January 2017, the inspection of tinted or shaded windows will be mandatory during vehicle inspections. A video about this change is available on YouTube. Staining your windows is one of those fantastic upgrades that can not only make a positive difference in your comfort while driving, but can even offer many health benefits, such as protecting you from the sun`s UV rays and keeping you cool.